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The Practice of Leadership

The Practice of Leadership will interrupt ‘business as usual’, developing the abilities of your leaders to produce unexpected results. Your team will understand the relationship between remarkable performance and their word – consistently fulfilling on promises, which will significantly impact outcomes.

This is a 3-day in-house program. The three days can be consecutive or as far as one month apart.

You will leave this program with all of the tools you need to be an effective leader and have the ability to help the people around you reach their fullest potential.


All Leading Begins With Leading Self

The foundational elements of leadership
The impact of how things occur to you (Context)
Confronting the way you wound up being
Disappearing complaints


Effective Communication

The way you listen
Listening newly
Using language to lead


A Created Future

Being up to something bigger than you
A created future

Contact Sue to schedule your in-house training.

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What participants are saying about The Practice of Leadership

“This work has made a profound difference to our team and the way we operate together.”

“I think about the way I lead and the way I show up in a completely different way. I am so grateful for the opportunity to experience this life changing training. I will forever be more engaged, authentic, and effective.”

“Issues and shortcomings in my life were holding me back. This course has given me the initiative to create a future where these long standing issues have no place in my life. Invaluable.”

“This has made a world of difference to my life as a leader.”

“This work has changed the way I see myself and the way I see my career.”

“I am now able to listen to EVERYTHING people have to say and they know I have heard them. That’s a big part of being a leader.”

“Not for the faint of heart but for those that are ‘all in’ this is truly transformational”

“This is a course for a better way of life.”